Upcoming NMSR Media Appearances

NMSR's next Science Watch is ON THE AIR
Saturdays at 2:05 PM MDT

Dave Thomas will be a Guest on the "State Your Case" show with George Korda,

on Sunday, September 25th at 1-2 PM EDT, on WNOX-FM (100.3 MHz). The topic is "Intelligent Design and evolution." (An ID proponent will be on from 12 noon - 1PM EDT, then Dave & Evolution at 1-2 PM EDT. Could this be ... Davolution??)

Listen On-line here!

Dave Thomas was a Guest on the Don Johnson Show,

on Saturday, August 13th at 5-6 PM PDT.

Listen On-line here!

Previous appearances still available on the Internet:

KRQE TV-13, Albuquerque NM, "Scientists dispel claims of 'wetter' water device."

This segment aired on July 27th, 2005, and is online at www.krqe.com/LarryBarker/. It's titled "Scientists dispel claims of 'wetter' water device." The caption reads "It claims to give you 'wetter' water, and even improve the gas mileage on your car. Larry Barker had scientists put it to the test." See it here. More details here.

TEOTWAWKI in 2012?

Albuquerque's KRQE-TV 13 had an item on the May 24th, 2005 news entitled "New Mexico plays part in latest doomsday prediction." It was about the Mayan calendar, which some say shows The End of The World As We Know It (TEOTWAWKI) slated for December 21st, 2012. I was interviewed for the segment, and had this to say on-air: "Thomas says for most of us, the year 2012 will be no big deal, and those dire predictions are nothing new. 'They failed in 2000, they failed in 2003 with Planet X, they failed in 2004 with Toutatis, and they're going to fail in 2012 with the Mayan calendar change.' [Thomas said] ...Will 2012 be a new beginning, or the end? We'll find out in less than 3000 days. ..."

Video: http://www.krqe.com/video/expanded.asp?RECORD_KEY[Video]=ID&ID%5BVideo%5D=2361

San Fran Chronicle

Keay Davidson of the San Francisco Chronicle writes on Aug. 16th, 2004 that "Ten years after the U.S. Air Force closed its books on the claim that a UFO crashed in Roswell, N.M., in 1947, a top Democratic Party figure wants to reopen the investigation into the cosmic legend. ... Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico, who chaired the recent Democratic convention in Boston, says in his foreword to a new book that 'the mystery surrounding this crash has never been adequately explained -- not by independent investigators, and not by the U.S. government. ... There are as many theories as there are official explanations. Clearly, it would help everyone if the U.S. government disclosed everything it knows,' says Richardson, who served as Energy secretary under President Bill Clinton. 'The American people can handle the truth -- no matter how bizarre or mundane. ... With full disclosure and our best scientific investigation, we should be able to find out what happened on that fateful day in July 1947.' The passage appears in a paperback titled 'The Roswell Dig Diaries,' published in collaboration with TV's SciFi Channel ... Richardson's foreword drew scorn from veteran UFO investigators and science popularizers. ... 'We're kind of disappointed in Richardson for perpetuating the mythology of that thing,' said Dave Thomas, president of New Mexicans for Science and Reason, a skeptics group in Albuquerque. ..."

Source: http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2004/08/16/MNGAK88OQQ1.DTL&type=printable

NMSR President on SETI Radio with Seth Shostak...

The SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute's weekly science radio program, "Are We Alone," featured NMSR president Dave Thomas on Sunday, January 11th, 2004 on "Skeptical Sunday: Alien Visitors?"

Listen: http://www.seti.org/site/pp.asp?c=ktJ2J9MMIsE&b=258512

Previous appearances NOT available on the Internet:

Faith Under Fire

PAX TV, Saturday, JUNE 4th, 8 PM, The "BIBLE CONTROVERSIES" edition of "Faith Under Fire," hosted by Lee Strobel , Show No. 126, "Secret Bible Codes." SYNOPSIS: "Secret codes. You saw them in National Treasure. You read about them in The Da Vinci Code. Is it possible that there are actually secret codes in the Bible! And if there is some kind of code in the Bible, why is it there? Two mathematicians debate the existence of Bible codes. Insurance actuarial consultant Ed Sherman, author of Bible Code Bombshell, says he tried to disprove the code notion but ended up being convinced of its authenticity. Physicist Dr. Dave Thomas the author of Skeptical Odysseys and a member of the Committee for Scientific of Claims of the Paranormal, remains unconvinced." (See http://www.nmsr.org/fufire.htm for details.)

More Info: Dave Thomas : nmsrdaveATswcp.com (Help fight SPAM!  Please replace the AT with an @)

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