Recent advances in biochemistry and information theoryhave been devastating for Darwinism or any other naturalistic philosophy. Evolution claims that undirected, random process accountfor observed order, complexity and information in living entities[1].However, random, undirected processes cannot produce such characteristics.
Michael Behe shows that well-matched, irreducible complexity cannot be the consequence of undirected random processes.Recent attempts by evolutionists to claim that multi-pointmetastable equilibrium chemistry [2] can produce order dramaticallymiss the point of well-matched irreducible complexity; there is nomore information in the final state of the system than there was atfirst. Evolutionists Shanks and Joplin claim the biochemical systemscan be redundantly complex, where biochemical pathways can overlap;sometimes (they postulate) chaotic conditions can lead to order.
They miss the fundamental feature that IrreduciblyComplex (IC) systems can never be replicated by Simple InteractiveSI) ones such as demonstrated by the Blousov-Zhabitinsky (BZ)reaction, even chained SI ones. This cannot occur because there isno functional mechanism to gradually build up a system, in a randomundirected way, creating constituent parts over time, when thesystem requires all parts to function simultaneously [3]. If the BZreaction were to lead to a crystal, the repeated structure wouldstill contain very little information. It is similar to a string ofx's --- lots of order, little information.
Alternatively, massive information generation and transfer isclearly observed in extant self-replicating systems, i.e., living creatures.Reactions proceed to transcript information as accurately as possible.There is no known instance of a random generation of information;quite the reverse, a great deal of intelligent, directed effort isexpended to eliminate sources of noise that corrupts information content.
Recently I demonstrated that the energy required to create information is very significant, and has employed the aboveanalysis on simple biochemical species [4]. Thousands of Gigajoulesare required simply to generate the chemical codons forming the alphabet of DNA. Thousands more to form them into information-bearing sequences. The net consequence is that whenchemical equilibrium is achieved, the condition is not simply energyliberating, (as in BZ), but energy intensive. Energy must be released in order to produce information, so a lot is required. Nor isthe biological system chemically stable as in BZ; once the entropyreducing mechanism (life) ceases, racemization rapidly results andenergy is released as the information degenerates.
There exists no undirected, random physical mechanism toproduce either information or complexity. Information is not a property of matter; purely material processes are fundamentally precluded as sources of information [5]. Matter can carry code; it is notthe code. Since evolution is a materialistic philosophy, it cannotnaturalistically explain the existence of information. Information iscomprised of 5 irreducible parts: statistics, syntax, semantics, pragmatics and apobetics [6]. Even the availability of DNA codons occurring randomly in nature are no further than statistics. Structuringcodons into coded DNA sequences raises to the level of syntax, onlyprovided that the code is interpretable. The biological requirementis for DNA to transcript into mRNA and reproduce. Modern evolutionary biology cannot decide whether DNA or RNA came first [7].However, RNA is only a temporary storage medium for genetic information; being an unstable sugar. Why undirected processes shouldselect this mechanism has not been made clear, other than it is aless complex path and the probabilities of random formation are onlyslightly less absurd than starting with DNA.
There are many subtleties in a biological system, much of theDNA contains sequences that appear not to code for proteins andare poorly understood. Much of the DNA codes for processes ratherthan product. This carries IC to an entirely new level. Now (many)separate processes must be structured to produce the product. Thisis what Behe means by well-matched irreducible complexity. Eliminate one of the processes, and the product is either flawed or gone.DNA itself performs very few of the essential functions of life. Further, no one has ever succeeded in predicting the three-dimensionalstructure of a protein from its one-dimensional sequence of aminoacids. Thus DNA code as presently understood does not reveal thefunctional structure of the molecule for which it codes [8].
Darwinism is completely out of its element when true sciencesteps to the plate. Shanks and Joplin are at least trying to addressthe complete lack of science in understanding how information canbe generated through random undirected acts evolution requires.They aren't even close, of course, but at least they recognize a serious problem exists. The problem is that they are trying to arrogateto matter a fundamental property of containing inherent information.This is the fundamental building block of the "molecules-to-man" hypothesis. The molecules must contain the information, because noknown physical process will generate it ex nihilo. However, if themolecules contain latent information, then the process cannot beeither random or undirected. The epistemological poverty ofevolutionary theory is manifested in its inability to providecoherent, viable processes, based on known physical principles togenerate order, information and complexity. The inescapable conclusion is that evolution doesn't work at the most fundamental levelof biochemistry and information theory.
1. Miller, K. Levine, J. Biology, Fifth Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2000. p 658.
2. Shanks and Joplin, 1999.
3. Behe, M. Darwin's Black Box.
4. Lenard, R.X. "Entropy, Energy and Probabilities Associated withGeneration of Order In Complex Biological Information Systems"draft, 2000.
5. Gitt, W. 2000. In the Beginning Was Information. Ed. 2.Christliche Literatur-Verbreitung, Bielfeld, Germany.
6. ibid.
7. Ward, P.D. and Brownlee, D. 2000. Rare Earth. Copernicus,Springer-Verlag, New York.
8. Robinson, A. "Access to Energy". Cave Junction, OR. May 2000