Easter Quiz ANSWERS

When did Mary Magdalene come to see the sepulchre?

A. As it began to dawn.Matt 28:1

B. Very early in the morning, at the rising of the sun. Mark 16:2

C. Very early in the morning. Luke 24:1

D. When it was yet dark. John 20:1

E. All of the above - THE CORRECT ANSWER!

Who visited the sepulchre?

A. Mary Magdalene and the other Mary. Matt 28:1

B. Mary Magdalene, Mary mother of James, and Salome. Mark 16:1

C. Mary Magdalene, Mary mother of James, and other women. Luke 24:10

D. Mary Magdalene alone; she then went to get Simon Peter and another disciple. John 20:1,2

E. All of the above - THE CORRECT ANSWER!

Was the tomb open or closed?

A. Closed Matt 28:2

B. Open. Mark 16:4

C. Open. Luke 24:2

D. Open. John 20:1

E. All of the above - THE CORRECT ANSWER!

Who was already at the sepulchre?

A. The Angel of the Lord. Matt 28:2

B. A young man. Mark 16:5

C. Two men. Luke 24:4

D. Two angels. John 20:12

E. All of the above - THE CORRECT ANSWER!

Were they sitting or standing?

A. Sat. Matt 28:2

B. Sitting. Mark 16:5

C. Standing. Luke 24:4

D. Sitting. John 20:12

E. All of the above - THE CORRECT ANSWER!

Were they outside or inside of the tomb?

A. Outside. Matt 28:2

B. Inside. Mark 16:5

C. Inside. Luke 24:3,4

D. Inside. John 20:11

E. All of the above - THE CORRECT ANSWER!

Did Mary recognize Jesus?

A. Yes. Matt 28:9

B. Yes. Mark 16:9

C. No, she mistook him for a gardener. John 20:14,15

D. All of the above - THE CORRECT ANSWER!

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