The evolution of antievolution policies after Kitzmiller v. Dover, New Mexico Version

Updated December 20, 2015.

by Dave Thomas : (Help fight SPAM!  Please replace the AT with an @ )  

NMSR has several articles regarding creationist/ID bills in New Mexico, and their provenance from Discovery Institute prefabs years ago.

In December 2015, Nick Matzke published "The evolution of antievolution policies after Kitzmiller v. Dover", tracking creationist legislation nationwide for the last 10 years. Matzke found that anti-evolution policy language has clearly evolved, and often became more subtle after aggressive bills were voted down (much like pathogens evolve to become less aggressive, while more victims live long enough to spread it). Nick's article mentions four legislative assaults in New Mexico (SB371 and HB506, 2007; SB433, 2009; and HB302, 2011).