New Mexicans for Science and Reason
NMSR October 9th Meeting: David Weinberg,
'Curing All Diseases... Again! Trampling Scientific Boundaries for Fun and Profit'
Video of the Presentation
NMSR September 18th Meeting: Trish Henning,
"The Very Large Array, from the Past to the Next Generation"
Video of the Presentation
Judith Polich, "Plastics and Climate Change" (July 17th)
Video of the Presentation
Keith Gilbert, "Counterintuitive Corners of The Mind" (May 15th)
Video of the Presentation
Get the Book
Arjak Bhattacharjee on "Science and the Indian Knowledge System (IKS)" (April 17th)
Video of the Presentation
Dave Thomas on "Total Solar Eclipse Season: April 8th and More" (March 20th)
Video of the Presentation
Anay Luketa on "Thermal Hazards Associated with Transporting Liquefied Natural Gas by Rail" (February 21st)
Video of the Presentation
Dave Thomas on "What's New in Flat Land? (December 13th)
Video of the Presentation
Karl Reineke on "Astrophotography: Equipment, Methods & Results" (November 15th)
Video of the Presentation
Frank Etscorn, Inventor of the Nicotine Patch (September 20th)
Video of the Presentation
Joe Archbold and Dave Thomas, on
"Looking Under the Hood of Wave/Particle Duality" (August 9th)
Video of the Presentation
Joe Archbold's Paper, "Quantum Mechanics: A Dublin Interpretation With a Solution to the Measurement Problem"
Joe Archbold's Powerpoint Presentation
Dave Thomas's Powerpoint Presentation
Benjamin Radford on "Tracking the Lizard Man" (May 10th)
Video of the Presentation
Prof. Mostafa Hassanalian on "Biomimetics, and Bio-Inspired Aerial and Aquatic Robots" (April 12th)
Video of the Presentation
"Those Wacky Anti-Relativity Folks: Insights from John Geohegan, hosted by Dave Thomas" (March 8th)
Video of the Presentation
Leonard Tramiel and Dave Thomas on Photography in Science (February 15th)
Video of the Presentation
Ancient Apocalypse: a Panel Discussion (January 11th)
Video of the Presentation
Featuring Mark Boslough, John Hoopes, Dave Thomas and Ted Cloak
Celebration of the Life of Kendrick Frazier, 1942-2022 (December 14th)
Video of the Presentation
Robert Bartholomew on "The Myth of Havana Syndrome" (October 12th)
Video of the Presentation
Dr. Kevin Folta on "Rounding Up Glyphosate Myths" (September 14)
Video of the Presentation
Dave Thomas on "Non-Reversing Mirrors : Update" (August 10)
Video of the Presentation
June 8th NMSR Meeting: Revisiting Earthquake Lights!
This mysterious phenomena is back in the news! Read an article by Alberto Enriquez here, a story from the New York Times, and a recent video on the phenomenon by Anton Petrov. Then, watch our panel discussion: Friedemann Freund, Alberto Enriquez, John Derr, and Dave Thomas (recorded June 8th)
Video of the Presentation
Susan Gerbic on "Science Activism does not stop during a world-wide pandemic, or How I spent my lockdown" (April 13th)
Video of the Presentation
Al Zelicoff, M.D. on "Long COVID - Some recent, unexpected, and troubling findings" (March 9th, 2022)
Video of the Presentation
Henrietta Lacks, the HeLa Cell Line, and the Long Wait for Justice (January 12th)
Video of the Presentation
JW Madison "What's New in Light Rail?" (December 8th)
PDF of the Presentation
Panel Discussion on Tall el-Hammam, Airbursts, and Sodom, with Dr. Mark Boslough (November 10th)
Video of the Presentation
UK Version
Paul Braterman, "Tall el-Hammam; an airburst of gullibility; it gets worse"
Reference 178 from the paper: Brazo, M. W. & Austin, S. A. The Tunguska explosion of 1908
Read the summary in the December NMSR Reports!
Larry Crumpler, with an Update from Mars: Perseverance, Ingenuity and More! (October 20th)
Video of the Presentation
Panel Discussion: Ivermectin and Covid19 (September 8th, 2021)
Video of the Presentation
James Gover on "What should the NM Congressional delegation emphasize this year?" (August 11, 2021)
Video of the Presentation
The Great 2021 UFO Flap (July 14th, 2021)
Video of the Presentation
NMSR's "SUMMER SOCIAL" (June 9th, 2021)
Video of the Presentation
Dave Thomas on "They're Ba-ack! Magnetic Water Conditioning and Other Pseudoscience Zombies" (May 12th, 2021)
Video of the Presentation
Dr. Mark Boslough on "April Fools and Alabama π (as seen on Jeopardy!)" (April 14th, 2021)
Video of the Presentation
Dr. Jim Kirkland on "Feathering Utahraptor: History of Dromaeosaur Discoveries" (March 10th, 2021)
Video of the Presentation
Dr. Mario Cruz on "AI Persuasive Technology and Social Media: A moral dilemma?" (Feb. 10th, 2021)
Video of the Presentation
Dr. Barbara Forrest on "Thoughts on Kitzmiller 15 Years On" (Jan. 13th, 2021)
Video of the Presentation
Ben Radford on New Book, "Big - If True: Adventures in Oddity" (Dec. 9th)
Video of the Presentation
September 9th, 2020 NMSR Meeting: Cynthia Hall on "The PRC and Climate Change: What's Taking So Long?"
Video of the Presentation
August 12th, 2020 NMSR Meeting: Tom Solomon on "A Sustainable Economy Without Fracking"
Video of the Presentation
Zoom Chat, lots of links to resources!
Covid-19 Panel Discussion, with Coffee Brown, M.D. and Austin Moede, M.D. and Dave Thomas
Video of the Presentation
May 13th, 2020 NMSR Meeting: Holly Olivarez on "The connection between Climate Change & COVID-19"
As a scientist at CU Boulder, Holly studies the ocean and climate change; specifically, the absorption of carbon dioxide (CO2) by the ocean. To learn more about the speaker and this event, visit
7:00 PM May 13th, 2020, Video of the Presentation.
On April 8th, 2020, Dr. James Gover, Professor Emeritus and Adjunct Professor at Kettering University, and IEEE Life Fellow,
spoke on "City Economic Growth: Implications for New Mexico"
Flat Earth? Bruce Lacey's official Response, Dave Thomas Closure
Bruce Lacey on "A Flat Earther's Journey and Perspective."
Read the Web summary, which has additional images not included in the newletter!
Bruce Lacey’s Response to January NMSR Reports
Watch the Entire presentation and Followup on NMSR's YouTube Channel!
Part 1 (series continued on Youtube)
Socorro UFO Updates! Are these new explanations reasonable?
PED Caves on Science Standards! News, Resources.
Bigfoot page Updated!
Taxpayers on the hook for UNM Bigfoot expedition? Rob Kryder talked to NMSR on January 14, 2017. SEE MEETING SUMMARY.
April 12th , 2017 NMSR Meeting: March for Science, New Mexico!
In addition to the Washington D.C. event, science marches are scheduled all over the country, and all over the world. Here in New Mexico, marches have been organized by groups in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Socorro and Las Cruces. At NMSR's April 12th meeting, representatives from some (we hope all) of these groups will describe what their cities are planning for Earth Day, to follow ten days later (April 22nd,2017). Mark your calendars!
7:00 PM April 12th, 2017, on CNM Main Campus, STUDENT RESOURCE CENTER (SRC), room 204.
Dave Thomas is presenting a talk at this year’s CSICON 2016 meeting, in Las Vegas, NV. His topic is “War of the Weasels: An Update on Creationist Attacks on Genetic Algorithms,” and will be given in the Sunday morning session, October 30th, 2016.
Abstract: Since Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are a class of computer programs that use evolutionary principles to “evolve” answers to difficult problems in math, physics, engineering and biology, they are a prime target of creationists of all varieties. This talk will trace the evolution of creationist attacks on GAs, from saying that they all need the final answers fed to them at every step (like Dawkins' Weasel experiment), to claiming that "active information" is being secretly introduced into GAs, and finally to the preposterous definition of "Specified Complexity," the claim that examples of evolving complexity don't even count unless they meet the absurd criterion of being as uncommon as tossing a fair coin heads up 500 times in a row. The game is rigged from the very start: evolution can never win under the rules adopted by "Intelligent Design".
Is Arkencounter the Largest Timber-frame Structure in the US? Nope!
Ken Ham calls his 510-foot-long "full-size Ark" "the largest timber-frame structure in the US."
Well, that claim is just plain false. We New Mexicans get the chance to see an even larger timber-framed structure, visible from aircraft close to the Albuquerque International Airport.That 600-foot-long-plus structure is called ATLAS-I, also known as the TRESTLE. It is made entirely of wood - even the bolts are wooden or dielectric. It was using for EMP testing back in the day. In this animation (thanks, Python!), the TRESTLE appears in white, and the Ark (to scale) in green.
Read the full story at the Panda's Thumb, with many additional pix, and Comments!
Rush Limbaugh: “Why are there still apes?”
Media Matters reports that talk-show host Rush Limbaugh said on his May 31st, 2016 show:
By the way, you know there’s another factor in this, Snerdley? A lot of people think that all of us used to be apes. Don’t doubt me on this. A lot of people think that all of us used to be gorillas. And they’re looking for the missing link out there. The evolution crowd. They think we were originally apes. I’ve always – if we were the original apes, then how come Harambe is still an ape, and how come he didn’t become one of us?
Comments and more at the Panda's Thumb:
William Dembski on his “Disillusion with Fundamentalism”
On May 30, 2016, Bill Dembski announced:
I would still regard myself as an inerrantist, but an inerrancy in what the Bible actually teaches, not an inerrancy in what a reflexive literalism would demand of the Bible. Have I, as Bottaro suggests, left myself open to recanting the recantation? I have. Without the threat of losing my job, I see Noah’s flood as a story with a theological purpose based on the historical occurrence of a local flood in the ancient Near East.
708 Comments and counting, at the Panda's Thumb:
We STILL Don't Need No Stinkin' Target: 10 Years On, the War of the Weasels is Back!
On Panda's Thumb, the Blog
Ewert Responds! "Steiner Wars: An Exchange with Dave Thomas"
Mark Fraser's complete December 2015 Presentation on "Debunking Climate Denialists" (PDF, 4MB)
The evolution of antievolution policies after Kitzmiller v. Dover, New Mexico Version
Nick Matzke published an amazing evolutionary analysis of creationist legislation over the last 10 years in Science, and NM's bills were right in there!
We STILL Don't Need No Stinkin' Target: 10 Years On, the War of the Weasels is Back!
Why Dembski et. al.'s attack on Dave Thomas's Steiner Evolutionary Algorithm is Wrong:
"Very First Edition of NMSR Newsletter, from 1990!
The Founding of NMSR : A Look Back after 25 Years
New Mexicans for Science and Reason has been proudly on its own for 25 years. But it had its origin in a national and even international movement to help spread science-based skepticism around the country and the world.
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