New Mexicans for Science and Reason SITE MAP

WebMaster Dave Thomas, (Help fight SPAM! Please replace the AT with an @)


 HOT STUFF | Home | NMSR Reports | Cool Links | Letters to NMSR | Controversy! | Search This Site |

 HOT TOPICS | Bigfoot? Kryder speaks at NMSR | Mark Fraser's UPDATED December 2015 Presentation on "Debunking Climate Denialists" (PDF, 4MB) | Matzke on evolution of antievolution legislation | We STILL Don't Need No Stinkin' Target: 10 Years On, the War of the Weasels is Back! | 9-11 "Truth" Page | NMSR's Anthropogenic Global Warming Fact Sheet | Civilian Nuclear Power | Strengths and Weaknesses: Storkism vs. Uterine Development Theory | Creationist Legislation, New Mexico Legislature, 2011 60-day Session |

 FLAT EARTH? REALLY? | Flat Earth Claim that Sun Acts Like a "Spotlight" -- DISPROVED! | Simple, Inexpensive Experiment Proves Earth is Round! | On the Elat Earth, The Sun Never Sets! | On the Flat Earth, How High is the Sun? | December 12th, 2018 NMSR Meeting: Bruce Lacey, on "A Flat Earther's Journey and Perspective" |

HOT NEWS | Hot News of the Week | Hot News from earlier in 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 |

PUZZLES | The Socorro Stumper (Weekly Cipher) | The Desert Dumbfounder (Monthly Cipher) |
| WORD/PHYSICS PUZZLES | Sudoku Corner | Sudoku HELP |

NMSR INFO | About NMSR | Monthly Meetings | Join NMSR | Best & Worst of the Year Awards | Meet the Webmaster |

UFO's | UFO Author Dennis Balthaser Caught in Blatant Hypocrisy | Sci Fi's "Roswell: Smoking Gun" | Roswell Incident | Aztec UFO Scam | 1964 Socorro UFO | Which is the REAL UFO? |

Media Watch | FUMBLES | Poor Psychic Ana | Do Magnets make Wetter Water? |

Podcast Radio | NMSR on the Radio (Webcasts of our former KABQ 1350 AM weekly show)

Alternative Medicine Beware of Medical Quackery

CODES FROM GOD? | Bible Code | on Bible Code Digest's Claims | Negative Bible Codes | Sabbath Patterns | Code 19 in the Quran |



POLICY | Lie Detectors? |

FUN SCIENCE | NMSR Speakers | An AMAZING Mind-Reading Trick! | An even MORE Amazing Magic Trick! | NMSR StereoGrams | WHAZZAT?!? Weird Pix |

EVOLUTION SCIENCE | Python Code for Dawkins' "Weasel" Program | New Work Documents the Evolution of Irreducibly Complex Structures | The Nylon Bug | Order from Chaos - the Sierpinski Gasket | Darwin+ on Classification & Phylogeny | Calculating Phylogenies with Molecules | Workshop on Teaching Evolution |

CREATION/EVOLUTION | Monkey in the Middle | Know your NM Creationists | NMSR/TCCSA Debate | NMSR/CSFNM Debate | Icons of ANTI-Evolution | History of C/E Conflict in New Mexico | Evolution Links |

INTELLIGENT DESIGN | The Lie: NM is "ID-Friendly (2007)" | Rio Rancho's Ill-Fated Brush with Creationism (2005-2007) | NMAS Op-Ed on KNME | KUDOS for KNME for standing up to Creationists! (2005) | Aug. 2003: New Science Standards Adopted! | NMSR Statement on 2003 Science Standards | IDNet-NM/Zogby ID "Poll" of Labs is BOGUS!(2003) | OK, IDNet-NM - WHERE'S THE BEEF? (2003) | "Intelligent Design" IS Religious Creationism! (2009) | ID: Is It Science? (2002) | NMFC Sends ID Book to NM Schools (2002) | "Top 10 Myths of the Intelligent Design Movement" (presented at DDDV, 2004) | "Do NM's Science Standards Embrace Intelligent Design?" (2005) |

THE C-FILES | John Baumgardner | Michael Behe | William Dembski | Kent Hovind | Russell Humphreys | Phillip Johnson | Jonathan Sarfati | Jonathan Wells |

PRANKS & FUN | Toons by Dave Thomas | The NEW Adventures of Ernie Electron | Alabama PI | Onyate Man | NMSR Darwin Award Wins | Armchair Science Corner | Easter Quiz |

BLOG-ROLL (OFF-SITE) | NM Skeptic | Panda's Thumb | Mark Boslough's PuckerClust Blog | Jim Belshaw | SUNlite, Printy's Skeptical UFO Newsletter | Junkfood Science | The Urban Primate (Abq's Kate & her sting) | Dispatches from the Culture Wars | Stranger Fruit | The Loom | Pharyngula | ERV | Science, AntiScience and Geology | Science Based Medicine | The Austringer (a.k.a. The Falconer) | EvolutionBlog | Fleck::InkStain | Fleck::AbqJournal | De Rerum Natura | Rationally Speaking | Supernatural News | Scientific Activist Blogspot | EDGE | MIT Science Tracker | Orac Speaks! | The Creationist Choir | Same Whine, New Bottle |

IN MEMORIAM | David Arthur Thomas | Tom Manaster | Will Meikle | Ray Rogers |