New Mexicans for Science and Reason present

SUDOKU CORNER by Ross Goeres!

In Standard Sudoku, Each Row, Column and 3x3 Box must contain each of the nine unique characters or numbers.
Accordingly, if a character occupies a given cell, that character can not appear elsewhere in the same row, column or box as the given cell.
You can solve the puzzle right here on this page! Simply click on empty cells in the puzzle, and type in your answers!
This puzzle is Sudoku-X: both diagonals must also contain each of the numerals 1-9.
You do NOT need to be online to use this page. Simply "Save As" (HTML only is OK, as is Complete Web Page), then Play Away at your leisure!
You can use the button below to test your hypotheses as you go. Use this power wisely!

2 7 4 3 1 5
9 8
1 2
8 3
2 9
8 6 3 1 7 9

Fixed (Given) ValueUser-Supplied Guesses
Fixed Value (Diagonal)User Guesses (Diagonal)


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(Help fight SPAM! Please replace the AT's with @'s )

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